More Torah Bits - Deuteronomy
Here are some great Bible teachings to encourage you. These are from portions of the book of Deuteronomy. Start your day with an encouraging teaching or use these for your Bible studies. There are more teachings under Understanding the Bible and other links on our website. God bless you and keep you.
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#44 Devarim Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22
God has not changed. We have been called to be a people of understanding who don't live in darkness. Live and learn God's word and its truths. Live for God's kingdom and set your heart on making God more important than anything else. Be close to God, be separate from the evil of this world and do what is right and good. In this portion, Israel was told to go and take the land of Canaan. Perhaps this is a picture of what we are to do spiritually; we need to stand up bravely for the truth. God's word is truth because it was given by an all-knowing God. If we don’t listen to God, we are not believing in Him and respecting Him. We need God’s truths in the Bible and His Holy Spirit. We need to stay connected to God. God can be part of everything in life and can work powerfully in our lives. Be a deliberately strong focused person in relationship with God; be a holy, good, and fruitful person of light.
#45 VaEtchanan Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
In this portion, Moshe tells the people over and over that they are to keep God's commandments. They will give them wisdom and understanding. The Haftarah tells us that God's word endures forever and if we follow God's word and His commands, we will endure forever in an amazing future kingdom that is unimaginable. Rise up spiritually and forge ahead and be disciplined. Our main goal in life is not just to collect things and money, but to live for our King. We are to fight spiritually and resist doing evil. We are to be God's holy anointed people who do what is right and good and are available to be used for God's kingdom purposes.
#46 Ekev Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25
This portion tells us that God will bless us for doing what is right. We need to be dedicated spiritually; spiritual things are just as important as the physical side of life; even more so. God is for us; why not trust in God and not just in good advice. We need to follow God’s word first and foremost and then the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our helper and can even save our life. Have scriptures ready for life’s situations to help you live right. Set aside your life for God.
#47 Re'eh Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17
God gave us His word and His commandments so that we will be blessed and see His goodness. We need to learn how to live right and that comes from following what it says in the Bible. Do we deal with anger how the Bible tells us to? Learn and be ready to follow what the Bible says. We need to study the scriptures and be encouraged in them. Have a proper perspective of life and put God first. Do things God's way; don't follow the methods of the worldly. Love God and be a person of light, and do what is right and good.
#48 Shoftim Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
This Torah portion begins by talking about appointing judges. Judges were not to subvert justice. We also should do what is right. Stay in faith and keep God’s commandments. Accept what God teaches us and trust in Him. Find ways that help you to keep God's commandments. Don’t live in sin. Set your course spiritually. What we do matters. Don’t get sidetracked. Stay engaged and fight spiritually.
#49 Ki Teitzei Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19
February 11, 2016
This portion contains a lot of important miscellaneous laws. Some of the laws are used in our own culture. God is the creator and knows what’s best for us. Work at directing your life towards God. It will give you peace and even make your life longer; perhaps by even changing and protecting your DNA. Be consistent in developing a godly life. Work at areas in your life that need attention. Be humble and willing to accept correction and grow spiritually. Hold on firmly to God and trust in Him.
#50 Ki Tavo Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8
We should remember that God gave us His commandments to help us. If we keep His commandments God says we will be His treasured people. I want to be one of God's treasured people. The Bible teaches us that we are to be a humble people. We can incur curses by not keeping God's commandments and will receive blessings if we keep God's commandments. We need biblical truths and not an incomplete or muddled version of truth. God's ways are true, they help us live right, and are intended to be part of all our life; it should include the working of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to keep His commands, to have all of His good blessings, and have joy in life.
#51-52 Nitzavim-Vayelech Deuteronomy 29:9-31:30
Some things God has hidden the Bible says, but we have His word to follow and we should do what we know and keep His commandments. We need to take care to continue to follow God; what God has given His believers is by no means a small matter. What God created is beautiful, His commandments are a blessing for us, and the work of the Holy Spirit is also good. God has given us gifts associated with the Holy Spirit and the early believers used them. We need to recognize that God's knows us and sees us; we should stay close to Him. No one can fool God; we shouldn't identify ourselves with those who are defiant or deviant. We should set our lives straight, and serve God and be faithful.
#54 V'zot Haberakhah Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12
Yeshua was like Moshe. Just like Moshe did tremendous miracles, Yeshua also did amazing miracles; even healing everyone in some towns; He proved He is the Messiah to the world. We must accept Him and the Holy Spirit that helps us in life and helps us follow God's commandments. Joshua is commissioned to take Israel into their promised land and we likewise need to be faithful and strong to receive God's promised eternal life. Don't be sidetracked by a world that has made gods out of worldly things. We should seek things that are eternal and not just temporary. Don't seek a carrot instead of the future street of gold. God will never forget our service and love for others, and for keeping His commandments. God is just and will do what is right. Those who follow His commandments with the help of the Holy Spirit will be in His future kingdom.