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Here are some great Bible teachings to encourage you. These are from portions of the books of Genesis and Exodus. Start your day with an encouraging teaching or use these for your Bible studies. There are more teachings under Understanding the Bible and other links on our website. God bless you and keep you.


Click on Genesis and Exodus for a link to the Teaching of the Week. 


​We have a whole set of Torah Bit Teachings. Here are the links:

Genesis and Exodus

Leviticus and Numbers


More Leviticus and Numbers

More Deuteronomy


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also check out our other Torah Bits.


#09 VaYeshev Genesis 37:1-40:23


Although large ministries play an important part in helping others, we also should find ways to serve. Also, do what is right and appropriate. Be clean spiritually and follow God's commandments. Shaul said that, "The wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience;" Colossian 3:6 NKJV. So, do what is right. Sometimes we could be tempted to not do what is right. Do what is right no matter what. Do not be okay with sin or evil in your life. Do things God's way and allow His ways and presence to increase in your life.

#10 Miketz Genesis 41-44:17


God is great, and our wonderful and amazing God who cares about us, and can do so much for us. Much like God saved a whole region of the Earth because Joseph was a faithful believer, He can use us to help others and possibly do some amazing things too. The things that mankind has made and the technology we have can look pretty amazing, but that is nothing compared to who God is and what He can do. We shouldn't live life just to admire the things we have, but to participate in life as a believer in God and enjoy God's blessings and help others to see how God can help them and bless them. The Bible says we are to encourage one another every day. God has good things in store for those who trust Him. It just makes sense to use our energy to stay on the right path and do what is right. Don't get off the path, instead be a faithful believer.

#10 Miketz

#011 VaYigash Genesis 44:18-47:27


Will we only be self-centered or will we follow God and keep His commandments. Will we allow God to be in our life? He can give us true purpose and eternal purpose; He can satisfy us like nothing else can; through Him we have something worthwhile to stand our ground for; we can give up ourselves for the greater and better good by putting God in His proper place in our lives; we can seek the things of God and His blessings. Where will we stand?

#12 Vayechi Genesis 47:28-50:26


In Genesis we see a God who is active in His creation. God saved man from the flood and He continues to try and help mankind. God gave us His feasts to celebrate and enjoy from the inception of creation. He wants to bring us into relationship with Him for our own good. God has given those who believe in the Messiah Yeshua the power and help of the Holy Spirit. We don't need to ask why; we know mankind needs help. The Bible says God stretched out the sky and according to science, it is still expanding. That won't go on forever though. There is an end time the Bible says. We don't know when that will be, but in the meantime, God has reached out to mankind and gives us the choice whether or not to choose His good ways and believe in Him and the Messiah Yeshua.

#13 Shemot Exodus 1:1-6:1


Those who are wicked and don't trust in God will often bring evil on themselves for their lack of faith in God. If not in this life, the Bible says they will be punished for eternity for not living right. Those who fear God can have the best of both worlds. A great God who loves those who fear Him and eternal life with Him in His glorious kingdom someday in the future.

God set Israel free and commanded them to do what He says and fear Him. It was for their own good. The Bible says that if we fear God, He will bless us. Who wouldn’t want to be blessed by the God of the universe? We are not to be afraid of conspiracies or threats, as well as superstitions for that matter. We are not to be concerned with troubles. God says He is with us. About 2 million fled Egypt and put their trust in God. Will we fear God instead of the "Egypts" of our lives and move forward with our lives. Will you obey God and fear Him like Israel did when they left the pagan life of Egypt behind?

#14 Va'era Exodus 6:2-9:35


No doubt Pharaoh had a hard heart. He refused to do what is right and refused to listen to God. He had developed patterns of pride that he wasn't going to let go of. Don't be like Pharaoh who refused to give God a place in His life. He ended up bringing tremendous sorrow and anguish into the lives of His people.
Form regular spiritual habits of prayer and study. Listen to how God tells you to live so that you will bring light and goodness into the world instead of darkness, pain, and evil. Change your life so that you shine like the light like the noonday sun (Psalm 37:4-6 NKJV). Don't live like others who lack understanding and are filled with sin and greed. Be a good person who brings good into this world.

#15 Bo Exodus 10:1-13:16


Pharaoh trusted in his false god's, but we trust in the true God of the heavens and the earth. God set Israel free so they could follow the true God. The Messiah Yeshua came to set us free so that we could follow the true God. Don't be weak; be strong. Get rid of the thoughts that are against what God teaches. Don't be foolish with your life. God wants to help us, but mankind keeps coming up with ideas all the time and then when that doesn't work, they give us another idea. Learn how God says we should live. The Bible says that things go better with God. Soda may quench your thirst, but God knows what's best for us and the right way we should live.

Don't be driven around like the wind or you might not be happy with where you end up. You could end up in the middle of a lake of fire if you don't watch out. God's commandments have stood the test of time. Science and their theories change all the time. Hold tightly onto God and His ways because He brings goodness and life. Do we want what is good? I do; how about you?

#16 Beshalach Exodus 13:17-17:16


Just as Israel was changed as they went through the sea, we need to be a changed people with the help of the Torah, the scriptures, and the Holy Spirit through the Messiah Yeshua. Israel left Egypt behind and we should leave our old natures behind and put on good and godly ways. The Israelites were immersed into Moshe and ate food and drink given them by God (1 Corinthians 10:1-4). In the same way, but in a spiritual sense, Yehovah gives us spiritual food to live by so that we can live a kingdom life. A life that is different than the worldly point of view; a much better way to live.

#17 Yitro  Exodus 18:1-20:26


What an amazing God we have. He has told us how to live; He is a loving God who cares about us. He gave us the Holy Spirit in this Messianic age to help us live right. God continues to reach down to mankind through the ages to help us. Sometimes we think of God calling us to do something or an experience of God as important spiritual moments, but that is not all of life with God is about. Keep God's commandments, but also be connected to God's power through the Holy Spirit every day. Don't be trapped into thinking that this life is all there is. This world is passing away. Believers can look forward to wonderful eternal life someday. "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;" Hebrews 10:23 NKJV.

#18 Mishpatim Exodus 21:1-24:18


In this portion, the people seal their covenant with God and Moshe goes up the mountain to receive the commandments. How wonderful and amazing is it to be in covenant with God and what a wonderful privilege it is to live as believers in the Messiah Yeshua. God has given each of us a path to forge ahead on, so serve God the way we should. God gives life. He gave a new life to the people of Israel and He also gives us new life through the Messiah. Follow God, do what is right, and find purpose spiritually. Don't be moored on the rocks doing nothing with our lives, but be effective. God's light shines on a world that lacks substance and understanding. The world needs you; the world needs us.

#19 Terumah Exodus 25:1-27:19


Shaul (Paul) says we are to be living sacrifices who demonstrate who God is (Romans12:1-2). Our God is a good God who wants to help us and will watch out for us. He knows us and He knows everything we do. So, stay away from doing evil and do what is right. He is never far from us, but is there for us and can give us the desires of our heart. He works on behalf of those who are loyal to Him so be diligent to be a holy person so when we stand before Him at the time of judgment, He will say to us, "Well done good and faithful servant." Yeshua said in a parable in Matthew 25:23 NKJV, "His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; … Enter into the joy of your lord.'"

#20 Tetzaveh Exodus 27:20-30:10



God had specific instructions on how the Mishkan (the Tent of Meeting in the desert) was to be built. Just like Israel was to do what God told them to do in building the Mishkan, we are to also do what God says and build up our faith and be strong believers in the Messiah Yeshua and our God Yehováh. God draws us together as a people to help one another. Just like Israel worked together to do what God wanted them to do, we need the help and encouragement of other believers working together and helping one another to be strong. Have peace and joy. Seek God; He has given Himself for us so we can have a changed life.

#21 Ki Tissa Exodus 30:11-34:35


The sin of the idolatry caused the death of 3,000 for Israel in this Torah portion. Sin in our world has caused untold sickness, pain, and death. God gave us His commandments because we need His help; that is an understatement. God is not trying to take away our fun, but protect us. Someday the world will be a great place to live when God is in charge and not man. Seek God and His goodness and blessings. Man is all the time trying to figure out life, but God has already given us the map to having a good life and that life is through Him. If only we'd listen to God, we'd understand the keys to a good life. God's ways work better than mans' ways. God knows what's best for us. If only mankind would come to understand this.

#22 VaYakhel Exodus 35:1-38:20 and #23 Pekudei Exodus 38:21-40:38


God wants to comfort us and give us peace in every situation. Yeshua told us that He would not leave us as orphans and He gave us the Holy Spirit. God is able to help us supernaturally, so we are to pray and cast our anxieties on God. Be sensible and don't tempt God. You do your part in a sensible manner and let God take care of the rest. Pray for protection and for all things; prayer works! God is with us so don't be deluded into thinking He is not there. It says about our God Yehovah in Psalm 147:4-5 NKJV, "He determines how many stars there are and calls them all by name. Our Lord is great, his power is vast, his wisdom beyond all telling." Be strong and courageous even as Israel was in the desert years ago as they moved forward toward the land God promised them. They were not without doubts and trials, but continued to move forward in faith. So, we also should move forward in faith.


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